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Following an abrupt ultimatum rendered by the Head of public service, Kenya, to all public servants on measures towards curbing the quick spread of COVID-19, Teachers Service Commission stepped up its commitment in what appeared as a strict move to include all the teachers who have not yet sought the vaccine.

“It is important to be noted by all teachers that our county directors of education in collaboration with all the regional directors of education county wide will be engaged to equip the commission with the list of names of teachers they’ve facilitated so far to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Likewise, the officers will keep the commission informed too on the number of teachers who are not yet vaccinated and where reasons suffice, be included since the Ministry of Health had long assured the country and the teachers of sufficient vaccines,” stated Macharia Nancy, TSC CEO.

According to TCS Boss, the commission is perplexed to notice low uptake of the said vaccines by teachers even though teachers were given priority in the ongoing vaccination exercise. Incidentally only 33 percent of registered teachers with the TSC have received full vaccination.

Teachers all over the country have 3 days within which to engage the services of the health experts and health facilities to receive the covid-19 jab. The order is coming at a time when, a spot check at all major health care centers in the country are stretched, flooding with government employees in an attempt to beat the fast approaching deadline set by the public service bosses.

So far TSC reports 110,432 teachers to have received full vaccination against their set target standing at 330,671 as per the teachers commission’s payroll. However, other 150,000 in all the private schools were expected to get the jab.

The commission sadly indicated that 549 teachers have so far fallen victim to COVID-19 ,the covid-19 has since claimed the lives of 81 tutors. However, teachers’ union KUPPET through a branch secretary, Mr Dancun Macharia, noted that the low numbers have been due to the jab being largely offered during the week days that appear not to auger well with the teachers as they’re expected to be at work.
“At the initial stages, teachers went for the services in mass. However, the biggest challenge is now the timing. Week days are synonymous with rigorous teaching activities for the teachers.” Said Dancun Macharia.

Teacher Service Commission (TSC) has indicated interests in assisting teachers secure the jab all the same. All efforts ensured are thus geared which has since been made it mandatory for all the teachers. Deadline for the jab is set for 23rd August,2021.












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