TSC salaries and grading system for teachers in 2023

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TSC salaries and grading system for teachers in 2023

The full implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission is likely to bring to an end the chants that the tutors have been taking on the streets now and then.

 TSC upgrading of teachers led to the scrapping off of some job groups and  merging them with others.

With the new system of grading teachers ,  P1 teachers which was under Job Group G, is  replaced with Grade B5.

Now the new B5 is the entry grade for all tutors at the primary school level.

More  grades re-structured and re-named include

  • From J to C1
  • From K to C2
  • From L to C3
  • From M to C4
  • From N to C5

Another rank that belonged to the higher band which was designated as P, Q and R was renamed


This include:

  • FromP to D1
  • From Q to D2
  • From R to D3

The more details include

  • Grade B5 (T-Scale 5) – who are Primary Educator II
  • Grade C1(T-Scale 6) – who are Primary Teacher I, Secondary teacher II, and lecturer III
  • Grade C2 (T-Scale 7) – who are  Secondary Educator II, Senior Educator II, Lecturer II, and Special Need Education Educator (for primary schools)
  • Grade C3 (T-Scale 8) – who are Secondary Educator I, Special Need Education Teacher I (for primary schools), Lecturer I, Senior Teacher I, and Special Need Education Educator II (for secondary schools)
  • GradeC4 (T-Scale 9) – who are  Senior Master IV, Special Need Education Senior Teacher (for primary schools), Senior Lecturer IV, Deputy Head Educator II and Special Need Education Teacher I (for secondary schools)
  • GradeC5 (T-Scale 10) -who are  Senior Master III, Deputy Principal IV, Senior Lecturer III, Deputy Head Teacher, Head Educator, and Curriculum Support Officer II.
  • Grade D1(T-Scale 11) – who are Deputy Principal III, Senior Master II, Senior Lecturer II, Curriculum Support Officer I, and Senior Head Educator.
  • Grade D2 (T-Scale 12) -who are  Senior Master I and Deputy Principal II
  • Grade D3 (T-Scale 13) -who are  Deputy Principal I and Principals
  • Grade D4 (T-Scale 14) – who are Senior Principals
  • Grade D5 (T-Scale 15) – who are  Chief Principals

Salary structure

  • Chief Principal -Earn between Ksh. 165, 089 (minimum), and Ksh. 200, 928 (maximum)
  • Senior Principal -Earn better Ksh. 143,748 (minimum) Ksh. 174,270 (maximum)
  • Principal GAT I – earn Ksh. 129,527 (minimum) Ksh. 155,894 (maximum)
  • Principal GAT II -earn  Ksh. 80,190 (minimum) Ksh. 97,290 (maximum)
  • Senior GAT – earn Ksh. 69,590 (minimum) Ksh. 83,840 (maximum)
  • GAT I – earn Ksh. 61,910 (minimum) Ksh. 71,880 (maximum)
  • GAT II – earn Ksh. 46,020 (minimum) Ksh. 56,590 (maximum)
  • GAT III – earn Ksh. 34,662 (minimum) Ksh. 39,918 (maximum)
  • ATS IV – earn Ksh. 28,323 (minimum) Ksh. 33,662 (maximum)
  • P1 – earn Ksh. 25,692 (minimum) Ksh. 30,304 (maximum)

TSC salaries and grading system for teachers in 2023

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