Ministry Of Education Instructs School Administrators To Implement These Directives Immediately To Avert Unrest In Schools.

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MOE Issues New Administrative Changes For Implementation With Immediate Effect In All Schools Across The Country.

With the recently witnessed huge wave of unrest and dormitory fires in schools, several changes have been proposed and are expected to be implemented in order to curb similar cases in future.
Some of the changes and new implementations that are expected to be imposed, reinstated, implemented or strengthened in schools include;

1. Administration to embracing dialogue with students.
One suggestion by the stake holders in schools is that the school heads and administration is expected to embrace dialogue with the learners.
This will help the students to speak out and explain their unmet needs and the problems they are facing so that they can look for a solution.
2. Step up guidance and counselling in schools.
It has been suggested that guidance and counselling should be encouraged in schools. This is expected to tame cases of indiscipline.
3. Improving infrastructure and facilities in schools.
The government has been advised to improve the infrastructure and facilities in schools to address the congestion due to the huge school populations.

4. Menu in schools is expected to be improved.
The students as well as teachers have said that the diets should be improved in schools.
This is expected to be improved which may lead to additional expenses by the schools to address the issue.

5. Improve security measures.
This is another proposal that has been suggested in schools to curb cases of insecurity and protect the learners.
Teachers have also been told to become role models and always avoid conflicts among themselves.
The students have also cited that too many examinations including mocks have been causing them fear and this has also contributed to unrests.
Peer pressure is said have also dragged learners into doing wrong. One indisciplined student ends up dragging others into causing chaos.
Drug abuse in schools has also contributed to the recent cases of unrest and dormitory fires.
The school administrations and stakeholders have been called upon to address these issues.
Students have also cited that teachers rampantly punish them adding that some of the learners end up sustaining injuries adding that this need to be addressed.
Kuppet has also advised that sports and games should also be reinstated in schools.
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