Uhuru Endorses Raphael Tuju For A Political Position As A Reward.

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Uhuru’s plea to Raila after Tuju resigns as Jubilee Sec-General.

Raphael Tuju has stepped down as Jubilee Party Secretary-General after consultations with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

He has been replaced with Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni.

In an announcement made during the party’s NDC at the KICC this Saturday, Tuju said he was proud of his achievements as secretary-general and thanked President Uhuru for trusting him with the position.

“We discussed this, and he agreed with me. We are going to have a very busy and tough time during nominations, party rebranding and grassroots mobilization. I cannot do both; I cannot be secretary-general, managing the headquarters of the party while also pursuing my other political engagements and performing duties assigned to me by the president,” said Tuju.

Making his address after presiding over the convention, President Uhuru expressed gratitude for Tuju’s services and offered him a position at the party’s powerful National Executive Committee (NEC).

“I wholeheartedly thank Tuju for his services as secretary-general since the party’s inception. I plead with him to accept a position at NEC, even if he has resigned as the party’s secretary-general. He is a hardworking and peace-loving Kenyan,” said President Uhuru.

President Uhuru pleaded with ODM leader Raila Odinga – who was in attendance with Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho and OKA’s Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Gideon Moi (Kanu) and UDP’s Cyrus Jirongo, to assist Tuju should he harbour political ambitions.

“Baba, Tuju is our man in Jubilee, if there is a position he is seeking, [even you, ODM] help him out. Help him, let him not be in the cold. You, Joho, I’ve delegated that responsibility to you,” said Uhuru to a nodding Odinga, who had minutes earlier been formally approved by ODM for the presidency in the August 9 General Election.

In the new Jubilee party line-up, Deputy President William Ruto has been replaced with four deputy leaders; Kitutu Chache North MP Jimmy Angwenyi, Taveta MP Naomi Shabaan (Outreach), former Kajiado Senator Peter Mositet (Programmes) and former Buuri MP Kinoti Gatobu (Operations).

Nelson Thuya and David Murathe retained their posts of National and Deputy National Chairperson, respectively, while Kieni MP Kanini Kega was named National Director Elections, Aldas MP Adan Keynan (Parliamentary Secretary) and Cherengany MP Joshua Kutuny (Deputy Secretary-General).

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