Youths Heckle DP Ruto In His Western Kenya Tour

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William Ruto’s tour of Kakamega was characterized by heckling and disruptions caused by residents who strongly support Raila Odinga.

Ruto begun his tour of Western region on Friday October 22nd holding rallies across different centers in Kakamega county.

There were drama at some of the stopovers in Kakamega as residents heckled Ruto and chanted Raila and ODM slogans

William Ruto’s tour of Kakamega was characterized by heckling and disruptions caused by residents who strongly support Raila Odinga. Ruto begun his tour of Western region on Friday October 22nd holding rallies across different centers in Kakamega county.

There were drama at some of the stopovers in Kakamega as residents heckled Ruto and chanted Raila and ODM slogans

In Butere, chaos almost erupted after pro-Raila supporters stormed Ruto’s rally chanting ‘Baba Baba, Baba’ and tore UDA posters.

The ground looked so hostile for Ruto as ‘Baba’ chants rend the air across Buture town signaling that Raila is still the region’s favorite presidential candidate. Elsewhere irate youths burnt UDA t-shirts and other campaign merchandise while shouting ODM slogans after attending Ruto’s rally.

The group shouted “Raila Tibim, Raila tialala” as they burnt UDA merchandise in the middle of the road in broad daylight. The group also stated that they don’t recognize Ruto in the area. They also said that ‘wheelbarrow’ is an outdated tool that cannot be sold to them.

“Sisi hatutambui huyu mtu huku, wheelbarrow ilikuwa kitu ya kitambo bwana (We don’t recognise this person (Ruto) here, wheelbarrow is an outdated thing),” they said before breaking into a dance while singing Luhya song.

Ruto is facing an uphill task in penetrating Raila Odinga’s traditional strongholds of Western and Coast. The DP has visited the two regions so many times but it’s clear the ground is not shifting.

A few days ago in Lamu Ruto’s brigade faced hostile crowd in while holding a rally in the ancient coastal town. A crowd was chanting ODM and Raila slogans during Ruto’s rally in Lamu prompting the county’s senator Anwar Loitiptip to condemn the incident.

Loitiptip blamed Mkomani Ward MCA Yahya Ahmed Shee alias Basode for the heckling of Ruto and his brigade in Lamu.

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