Apply For The USA Green card: Check Procedure, Deadline and Specifications

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Are you a Kenyan citizen who wishes to relocate to the United States in the near future? The US Department of State usually offers a chance every year for eligible applicants to apply a green card lottery which guarantees one permanent US residence upon winning.
Each year US authorities issue out more than 50,000 green cards to people from different nationalities to live and work anywhere in the US.
Its important to note that the green card application of 2021 is popularly known as (Diversity Immigration Visa) DV-2023 lottery ,this is because its in 2023 that the winners of the lottery will be liable to enter the USA.
How to Participate
For one to participate in the DV-2023 lottery he/she has to meet at least two of the following entry criteria:-
1.Country of Birth.
Any country that has sent over 50,000 citizens to the US through DV lottery in the past five years is not be eligible for the programme this year.Therefore,before making an application one should ensure his/her country is eligible for participation.
2.Level of Education.
You can only apply for the DV-2023 lottery if you have completed the 12 years of primary and secondary school studies.
3.Work Experience.
One is eligible to apply if he/she has worked for at least 2 years within a period of five years in a professional field( A profession with a training of two or more years is recommended).
Application Requirements
A valid Passport(Mandatory,ensure you process one,if you don’t have.)
Full Name(as it appears in the passport).
Date of Birth.
Country and City of birth.
Your Email address.
Phone number(Optional).
Highest level of education.
Marital status.
Number of children.
Passport photos.

 Photo Requirements
Many people have lost chances of winning the lottery because they submit sub-standard passport photos.Below are guidelines one should follow when taking a DV lottery photo:-
Ensure you provide a digital photo that measures at least 600×600 pixels and not more than 1200×1200 pixels. In addition the photo should not be more than 240 Kilobytes.
ii)Age and Photo Format
Only JPEG photo formats are recommended when making lottery application.The passport photo should not be older than six months.
iii)Photo Background and Positioning
Ensure you take a photo against a white ,off white or a plain background e.g green or red background. Your head should be clearly visible at the centre ,it should represent between 50% and 70% of the total height of the passport photo.Maintain  neutral facial expressions. Strictly do not smile.
iv)Other Specifications
Avoid any form of head coverings on the picture like scarves and caps unless they are for religious purposes.Wearing of glasses/spectacles when taking a DV-lottery passport photo is highly are supposed to submit a coloured photo(Not black and white) with a colour depth of not less than 24 bits.
Application Date  and Deadline
Read and comprehend the DV lottery instructions before making Applications.Click here to Read
Read the application instructions in the document  below: CLICK THE SITE BELOW
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