‘Babas’ Moment It Is! ‘Smooth’ Roads To Transition Await Raila.

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The Republic Of Kenya is set to receive the fifth president from this year’s 9th August 2022 elections. As such every possible efforts is in place by coordinated government organs to ensure smooth transition.





Kenya Defence Forces, KDF soldiers have Hurriedly taken over the repairs on the Kisian-Bondo Road which is leading to Raila’s Home Constituency with only 9 days to the August polls.








According to Dikembe tweet, the road leading to the Azimio Presidential candidate Hon Raila Amollo Odinga’s home apart from being repaired by the gallant Kenya soldiers, it is also being guarded by the KDF.




“The Kisian- Bondo road being repaired by KDF. Locals say they have never seen a road being built so quick and mostly at night, guarded by the military. If you know, you know!” Dikembe tweet.











Race to complete the repairs on this road heading heading to Siaya comes as the Head of State is expected in Kisumu to open Kisumu Shipyard before he retires.





This also comes as latest polls done by TIFA put Raila Amolo Odinga ahead of Ruto in the race to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta.


Raila Amolo ODINGA has enjoyed higher rating in all the opinion polls by the poll masters as the most popular and preferred presidential candidate in Kenya should elections be conducted today as below




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