Migori Governor Distances Himself From Supporting Ruto’s Presidential Bid.

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MIGORI Governor Okoth Obado has refuted claims that he’s been supporting Deputy President William Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid.


Obado, who is a close ally of Deputy President William Ruto, said is yet to support any presidential candidate for next year’s general election.


In an exclusive interview with a local media, Obado said he’s now working to popularize his People’s Democratic Party.


“The freedom of association is enshrined in our Constitution, so if any party leader comes in my area and requests me to go and meet them, I do not think that is a crime. I am not campaigning for the Deputy President,” he said.


Governor Obado also dismissed allegations that his PDP no longer exists, saying that the outfit is still alive and independent.

Obado was speaking during the opening of a PDP office in Mombasa’s Changamwe area where he said his association with DP Ruto or any other political leader is not a crime.


“PDP is not a new PARTY. The party was formed in 2005 and I got my gubernatorial seat in 2013 through the party.


He said the PDP office in Changamwe will help popularize the party and enhance administrative efficiency the region.

Obado said the party will field candidates for all the positions across the 47 counties, except for the presidency.

“We will definitely field candidates vying for different elective seats. Therefore if there is any person interested in running for the presidency, they should feel welcome to join the party,” he said.

He assured Kenyans that the party’s nominations will be free, fair and transparent.

“As a party, we want to assure Kenyans that PDP will conduct free, fair and transparent primaries in the coming 2022 polls because we want responsible leaders who will be accountable, respect the electorate and be answerable to common mwananchi,” he said.


Obado emphasized that PDP will offer servant leadership, adding that it is the remedy for politics of desperation in Kenya.

“Truth be told, the leading political parties in the country are yet to allow the crop of politicians and leaders that will move this country forward,” he said.


He asked the electorate to vote for leaders who will improve their lives instead of electing people based on party euphoria.


Obado said the party, which is expected to open its regional offices in at least 24 counties ahead of 2022 general elections, will focus on addressing agriculture, poverty and sustainable development.

“We are committed to ensuring that the poor in society are empowered and can lift themselves out of poverty while creating adequate social networks”.


Obado, whose term as Migori governor is coming to end after serving for 10 years, said his next move is to ensure that PDP is vibrant and offers alternative leadership.

“I want to ensure that I am a leader of a more vibrant, democratic and prosperous political party,” he said.

In November, Deputy President William Ruto’s allies pressure Migori Governor Okoth Obado to drop his ‘village party’ PDP and join the United Democratic Alliance.

Obado had earlier declared he would run for presidency on the PDP ticket when his two terms end in 2022 but has turned out to be a cheerleader for a Ruto presidency. Observers are quick to note that Obado could be on his way Raila’s camp.



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