MoE, TSC reveal P1 upgrading program, fee structure and selected colleges

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*P1 Upgrading Program training dates, fee structure and selected colleges revealed by Teacher Service Commission.*

Teachers Service Commission has made a move to announce the official dates when the p1 teachers shall  start the upgrade program from certificate, P1 to diploma level of studies.

The minimum requirements for a primary school teacher in the newly and recently launched Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is a diploma in education. Therefore, all primary school teachers are called upon by TSC to upgrade to immediately diploma levels.

TSC made this move to ensure that all teachers are conversant with the relevant knowledge and skills needed to enable them to competently teach and handle learners effectively in the new curriculum.

Most primary school teachers who for Diploma upgrading programs have acknowledged to have received their invitation letters to attend to various Teacher Training Colleges.

From the Ministry of Education’s latest communication, the upgrade program is scheduled to start on 4th October 2021.

Some of the selected teachers training colleges to offer the upgrade program have already communicated to the applicants several requirements including fee structure.

For instance, Nakuru Teachers Training College has released the fee structure for the diploma upgrading program as follows;

Term One

Admission fee: Ksh 2500;

Tuition fee and Boarding fee: 31000

Total term one fee: 33,500

Term two

Tuition fee and Boarding fee: 23,000

Total term two fees: 23,000

Term three

Tuition fee and Boarding fee: 23,000
Total term one fee: 23,000

Grand Total for terms one, two and three: Ksh 79,500.

The government through the Ministry Of Education jointly agreed on a modality that will see any Kenyan moving from secondary school but has interest in joining teachers training college to be a teacher obtain certain specific qualifications. It is an effort that saw P1 teacher training program phase out and replaced with Diploma. Thus, the commission TSC, will no longer employ P1 certificate holders. Therefore, to secure an employment, P1 trained teachers are advised to upgrade as per the expectations.

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