President Ruto In Trouble As Kenyans Promise Him A Grand Demonstrate Over Swelling Food Prices.

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A section of residents in Nairobi county have now threatened to hold mass demonstrations in the city in the coming week with an attempt to force the Head of State,





His Excellency William Samoei Ruto to lower the cost of living. Led by president Alvin Okoth of the Bunge La Mwananchi Banner,




the residents have argued that the current state of the economy is becoming more and more unbearable.







They have now threatened to turn the city into a field of demos if the president does not order the reduction of the prices of fuel, electricity, unga and other essential commodities.




“Mr President, if you will not reduce the price of Unga and fuel, if you will not address the issue of (electricity) tokens and mama mboga, we will be on the streets on Monday,” vowed Mr. Okoth.






In his address on Monday 3rd, Mr Okoth also asked the president to consider serving Kenyans in all regions with utmost equality irrespective of whether they voted for him or not.




Further, he complained on why the president offered other regions like Rift Valley and Mt Kenya more cabinet positions than Nyanza region.





“If you love Nyanza residents as you said. You took all the good ministries to Mt Kenya region, and Rift Valley. People have moved on.





Our concern is that you should serve all Kenyans without considering the regions, tribes, or counties,” he said.






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