Selection Of Subjects Begins For Grade 6 In Preparation For Junior Secondary.

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Learners in Grade 6 to Begin Choosing Subjects for Junior Secondary Schools

Learners in Grade 6 will begin choosing subjects for junior secondary schools, which include Grades 7, 8, and 9.




The type of junior secondary school they will be sent to in January of the following year will also depend on the subjects they choose.





The Ministry of Education states that a number of factors, including the subjects chosen, will affect where students in Grade 6 are placed in junior secondary.




Depending on the availability of the optional subjects they chose in day schools, the Ministry will place students in Grade 6 into Grade 7.





Guidelines for choosing the courses that students will take the following year will be provided by Knec.





Government mandates that secondary schools offer a minimum of three of the electives.





Which secondary school a child will be assigned to will be based on their choice of elective courses.




Students in Grade 6 are expected to select no more than two of the optional subjects that will be available in Grade 7.





The subjects offered in Grade 7 are listed below, both required and elective. The maximum number of optional topics that students in Grade 6 may select will determine their placement.





Mandatory Subjects

English 1.

2. For deaf students, Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language

Mathematical 3.

4. Complementary Science

5. Education in Health

6. Education for pre-technical and pre-career jobs

Social Studies 7.

8. Students in religious education may select one of the following:

Christian religious instruction (a)

b) Training in Islamic Religion

b) Education in Hinduism

Business Studies 1, 9.

Agriculture 10

11. Education in Life Skills

12. Physical education and sports

Alternative Subjects (Minimum 1, Maximum 2)

1. Fine Arts

2. Theatrical Arts

3. Household Science

Computer Science 4.

5. Additional Languages

one) German

French (b)

Mandarin (c)

Arabic (d)

Native Languages, number six

7. Sign language of Kenya

Prior to entering junior high school in Grade 7, students in Grade 6 will take their last examinations in primary school in November of this year.




From November 28 to November 30, 2022, the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) will be taking place.




The multiple-choice tests will begin and end on the same day as the KCPE exams.




The tests will last three days, according to the timetable for the exams that Knec has already announced.




Additionally, the students in Grade 6 will have a day of rehearsal on November 25, 2022.



But because KCPE candidates will enter Form 1, Grade 6 students will enter junior secondary at Grade 7.

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