Step By Step Guide On How to get a Canadian Student Visa.

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How to get a Canadian Student Visa: Step by Step Guide




Over the years, Canada has been embracing foreign students into the country. It is known that many people today wish to study in Canada as its educational policy is of a high standard.



Over 130,000 people apply for student visas to Canada every year and over 100,000 are enrolled in Canadian universities.




The tuition fee in Canadian universities is cheaper compared to the UK and the US. This is one reason why most students apply for a Canadian Student Visa.



A student visa is vital as you need to have gotten the visa before arriving in Canada.



The steps taken in getting a student visa in Canada is as follows:

Understanding the requirements

Before applying for a student visa you must understand the requirements needed for the application.




To qualifications needed for all universities and institutions include an updated passport,




the ability to communicate in either English or French with proven evidence of passing the language tests with an



average score and proof that you can sponsor your study as well as the cost of living in the country.




Student study permit

The study permit is not the same as a student visa. It enables international students to study at designated learning




institutions (DLI) in Canada as international students need a student visa or a study permit before they can study in Canada.



The study permit cannot give you access to Canada as it isn’t the same as a student visa. Before can gain access into Canada with a study permit, you need to have a visitor visa or (eTA) electronic Travel Authorization.




One of these will be handed out to you if your student permit has been approved.



You can apply for a study permit before coming into the country, and ensure you have obtained the required documents before applying.




A study permit is normally valid for the period you intend to study in Canada.



A 90-day validity period is issued to students. It allows you to plan to leave Canada or apply to increase your stay there.





























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