See Full List Of Schools Affected By Fire Incidents, Term Two 2021

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 has not been well in our country. A wave of school fires has left the parents, government and education stakeholders worried. This unrest has led to several schools getting closed indefinitely. At the same time, properties have been destroyed including classrooms, dormitories, offices and in some cases, children have been wounded.

Here is the list of those institutions that have experienced fires since August.

Buruburu Girls High School, Ofafa Jericho, Kambaa Girls, Kijabe Boys, Gitweku Secondary School in Kahuro, Mbugiti, Kahuhia Girls National School, Kanjuri, Karima, St. Luke’s Kimilili, Sigalame, Namboboto secondary school, Vihiga Boys Secondary School, Chavakali, Kakamega, Ringa Boys, Gendia, Osingo Mixed, St Peters Abwao, Olembo, Dr Krapf Memorial, Malindi High, Moi Kabarak, Kibirigwi, Moi Girls Marsabit, St. Johns Nyamagwa in Kisii, Amasago, Amabuko, Nyabigena, Nyamira Boys, Kipkabus High, Kajiunduthiu, Kiriani, Muthambi and Kabolecho.

This is something that has been going on that even forced the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders to reintroduce a half term break from 19th to 23rd of this month as a way of containing it. But why is the situation worsening every day? Are our students tired?

In my view, the effects of the covid-19 pandemic could be a driving factor. Remember learners stayed at home for nearly a year without formal teaching taking place. When the government reopened learning institutions the academic calendar was compressed to cover the lost time without even co-curriculum activities that breaks the monotony of being in class. Teachers can bear witness that they are required to complete the syllabus in 10 weeks or less that used to be covered in 15 weeks. Lastly, children don’t have enough time to be at home for holidays. Like now schools will be officially closed on 23rd December and reopen in early January. This means that they will be at home in just one week. The government needs to do something to save this generation.

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