Shock As Students Beat Their Demonstrating Parents To Defend Their Principal.

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  • The parents were up in arms calling for the ejection of the school principal over the rising cases of pregnancies within the school.
  • In an unexpected turn of events, the students started pelting stones at their parents, forcing them to flee for their safety.




Chaos was on Wednesday witnessed at Muiu Secondary School in Kaiti, Makueni County, after students attacked their parents who were holding demonstrations against the institution’s administration.





The parents were up in arms calling for the ejection of the school principal over the rising cases of pregnancies within the school.





In an unexpected turn of events, the students started pelting stones at their parents, forcing them to flee for their safety.





“We came to school in peace and requested an audience with the head teacher in peace. But some teachers have incited the students against us,” one of the parents said.






“Tumepigwa mawe na wale watoto wetu. Huyo mtoto atakuja kwangu aje?”






The parents are calling for the immediate replacement of the principal citing misconduct, increased indiscipline in the school, mismanagement, further intimating that he is also a habitual drunkard.






“Anakuja amelewa, anabeba miraa na bangi. Akifika shule, anatembea tu akikula muguka huku wanafunzi wakimtazama. Hii tunashangaa mbona mwalimu anakula muguka watoto wakiona,” another parent said.





“Watoto wetu wamekuwa wazazi; wengi wao wanasoma wakienda nyumbani saa saba kunyonyesha wakirudi.”





While calling upon the government to intervene, the parents want the principal transferred saying he is unable to manage the institution whose performance they claim is dwindling.





“Tunalilia wizara ya elimu huyu mwalimu aondolewe mara moja,” another stated.

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