This Is Why Wajackoyah Vows To Eradicate Boda Boda Business In Kenya.

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During a campaign rally in Busia town, presidential candidate George Wajackoyah said that he will abolish the Bodaboda business in Kenya if elected president.










The Roots Party leader said that the Bodaboda people will be absorbed into his marijuana cultivation plan that will see them have respectable jobs.





He promised to absorb the entire Bodaboda sector in to his plan of transforming Kenya into a 24-hour economy.









He stated that the current debt burden is as a result of the handout technique used by key politicians.






During the rally, he reinstated on his plan to legalize marijuana for commercial and medicinal purposes and insisted that he’ll work hard to curb corruption.





Running mate Justina Wambui urged the candidates to support their presidential bid so as to realize real transformation of this country.





This comes hours after Wajackoyah revealed that he had been offered 200 million shillings to drop his presidential bid.






He made clear his intentions to be in the ballot and said he won’t betray his supporters.

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