TSC Boss Expresses Frustrations Claiming Top Universities In The Country Are Unwilling To Train TPD.

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In a rather rare expression of displeasure, TSC Boss claims top universities in the country seem not to have  interest in offering teachers refresher courses (TPD) teacher professional Development modules.

Dr Nancy Macharia, the TSC Boss has expressed blame to these institutions for failing to comply when a tender to offer teacher professional training courses was announced .

TSC boss Dr Nancy Macharia reports  that quite a number of the major universities and institutions that offer education training  to teachers  failed to apply for the tender to offer Teacher Professional Development (TPD) modules.

Dr  . Macharia said that it is only Only 8 universities that have so far applied whereby most of which did not meet the necessary requirements to offer TPD courses.

According to  an article seen by this author in standard news,Kenyatta University as well as  University of Nairobi which is are among the top that they offer education did not  apply for the tender up for this.

This  downfall in tsc comes after many questions were raised on the criteria used to pick only four institutions and in which the  top universities that offer education training being left out.

In the first rollout,it is only Kenyatta University, Riara University, Mount Kenya University and the KEMI were picked to train the teachers.

Dr. Nancy Macharia once again said that  universities will be given  another chance to participate in applying for a tender to  offer the mandatory refresher courses for teachers.

Sources also reveal  that most  universities did not apply for the  tender because they were not in  possession  of the required  documents.

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